Strengthening Authentically Christian Higher Education
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We exist to empower Christian colleges and universities to advance their faith-based missions, equip campus leaders with the resources necessary to flourish in our present age, and encourage broader support for these unique and valuable institutions.
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What We Believe
America’s oldest institutions of higher education were founded by Christian denominations, yet few have maintained their original religious character.
Some preferred freedom from oversight of a sponsoring church, while others sought to broaden their appeal by minimizing religious identity. The result has been the widespread secularization of American higher education.
A diverse and vibrant subset of faith-based institutions have taken a different path.
In contrast to the wider academy, Christian colleges and universities still honor their original educational missions. These institutions intentionally integrate Christian faith throughout all aspects of campus life and thereby carry forward the spiritual legacy of the earliest American colleges.
However, our cultural moment has made staying true to these founding purposes increasingly difficult. New strategies are needed to navigate treacherous waters.
Enter the Center for Academic Faithfulness & Flourishing (CAFF).
We believe that authentically Christian higher education enriches society and should be preserved for future generations. We also understand that achieving durable solutions to the thorniest issues of our day will require resources, expertise, and commitment.
CAFF exists to identify and address emergent challenges that threaten the mission fidelity and overall success of Christian higher education. We connect churches, families, donors, and industry leaders with institutions that have endured in their founding missions.
We equip board members and campus administrators to exercise visionary and prudent leadership. Everything we do serves one ultimate purpose: To strengthen and support Christian colleges and universities that have chosen to swim against the cultural tide.
Secularization is not inevitable.
Faithful Christian colleges can— and must—flourish for years to come.
vision for uncertain times
Featured White Paper

Meeting the Moment
Christian Higher Education for a New Era
Evangelical higher education carries forward the spiritual legacy of the earliest American colleges, yet its position within the wider postsecondary landscape is more precarious than ever before. In order for campus leaders to wisely navigate current conditions, they must clearly understand the present moment and respond accordingly. Using resource dependency as a conceptual framework, this position paper traces the evolution of American higher education from its founding to the present and details strategies Christian colleges and universities have used to balance adaptation to changing contexts with fidelity to their founding missions. It explains why past approaches will no longer work in the emergent era and argues that this reality requires different strategies for engaging the external environment. The paper concludes by casting a new vision for academic faithfulness that can empower evangelical Christian higher education to flourish despite growing illiberal trends.
The unprecedented, authoritative guide to Christian higher education
Find the right Christian college.
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